Do The Next Right Thing…

After taking a couple of days to digest where I was with my health, I took the first steps towards returning to health.

The first thing was to take my meds. Clearly my body needs some assistance so filling and then taking my meds as prescribed. That’s easy.

Then not having a meal plan or even knowing where to start, I did what I knew and went to the grocery store. I focused on things I like to eat that I know are healthy. I thought I walk away with 10 thing but to my surprise I found lots of healthy things I like.

I have had the bad habit of actually not eating. And then having some coffee with my cream and sugar. Which I knew was bad for me but it’s what worked at the time. And to quote Dr Phil ‘when you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences’.

Consequences are no fun. But I’m here. Type 2 diabetes is kinda scary. There’s nothing’s like finding motivation from a little fear.

I’ve eaten pretty clean the last few days. I had a follow up doctors appointment today. I was happy that just 7 days in, my numbers are already improving.

There’s a saying that I learned in my recovery program….do the next right thing. For someone who is getting used to simply eating again, I’m trying to set myself up for success by focusing on the next right thing. The next right choice.

My journey continues…

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